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High-velocity burner UNISIL

Use of burner

A burner UNISIL is designed for common applications in ceramic industry, steel and in glass industry with maximal range of temperature 1300 – 1400 °C. Mainly for brickyards it is available with output of 63 kW. It is possible to increase output speed by SiC jet to 180 ms-1.

Technical parameters

Fuel: natural gas
Pressure of gas: 1 – 5 kPa
Pressure of combustion air: 1,5 – 4 kPa
Temperature of combustion air: 0 – 600°C
Rated output 25 kW (max. 40 kW)
63 kW (max. 100 kW)
160 kW (max. 250 kW)
Maximal output velocity on jet: 60 ms-1
Situation: any position
Content of NOx: 40 – 80 mgm-3

Equipment: VN ignition, ionization or UV probe of flame.